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본문 마태복음 (Matthew) 9:35-38
설교자 강승찬 목사  



1. (비전) 보이지 않는 것을 (보는 능력)이다.

1. (Vision) is the (ability to see) what is not visible.

1.1 예수님은 무리에게 (연민의 마음)을 가졌다(36절)

1.1 Jesus had (compassion) for the crowd (Verse 36)


2. 예수님의 (비전) (잃어버린 영혼) 보는 (능력)이다.

2. Jesus’ vision is the (ability) to see the (lost sheep).

2.1 추수할 일꾼을 세우기 위해 하나님께 (간청해야) 한다. (37-38절)

2.1 We must (earnestly pray) to God for workers to harvest the field (Verse 37-38)

2.2 "이 세계가 꿈꾸는 일보다 더 많은 일을 (기도)로 말미암아 이룰 수 있다" – 테니슨

2.2 “More things are wrought by (prayer) than this world dreams of” – Alfred Tennyson



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1-3 Paling St, Thornleigh NSW 2120


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