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설교일 2021-07-04
본문 야고보서 (James) 5:7-11
설교자 강승찬 목사



1. 우리의 소망은 (예수님) 오시는 (그날) 있다.

1. Our hope is on the (day) when (Jesus) comes again.

1.1 (그날) 주님께서 ( 눈물) 닦아 주신다.

1.1 (On that day), Jesus will wipe away my (tears).

1.2 (그날) 반드시 (온다)

1.2 (The day) will surely (come).


2. (농부)처럼 (기다리고), 선지자들과 ()처럼 (참아야한다.

2. We must (wait) like a (farmer) and be (patient) like the prophets and (Job).

2.1 (인내) 성령의 열매  하나이다.(5:22-23)

2.1 (Patience) is one of the fruits of the Holy Spirit. (Galatians 5:22-23)

2.2 (인내)  (성숙한 사람)으로 성장해 갑니다.(1:3-4)

2.2 When you’re (patient), you grow to become a (mature person). (James 1:3-4)


3. 세상은 ('출장  ')이고 우리의 고향은 ('천국')이다.

3. This world is like a (‘business trip’) and our hometown is (‘Heaven’).






+61 0411 449 775


1-3 Paling St, Thornleigh NSW 2120


담임목사 : 강승찬

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