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2019.03.22 12:34

거절보다 더 큰 은혜 Bigger Grace than Rejection

조회 수 29 추천 수 0 댓글 0
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설교일 2019-03-17
본문 사도행전 16:6-10
설교자 강승찬 목사


1. 하나님의 거절에는 3가지 이유가 있다.
1.There are 3 reasons when God rejects. 
1) 하나님의 뜻과 반대될때 하나님은 거절하신다 : (정지의 신호)
1)God rejects when it’s against His will : (Sign to stop)
2) 기다림이 필요할  하나님은 거절하신다 : (기다림의 신호)
2)God rejects when you need to wait : (Sign to wait)
3) 두가지 이유와는 다른  하나의 이유
3)Another reason other than above two.
2. 아시아와  주변 지역에서 복음 전파를 (막으시는하나님
2.God (stopped) spreading Gospel in the province of Asia.
1) 성령이 (아시아)에서 말씀 전파하시는 것을 막으셨다(6)
1)Holy Spirit stopped spreading Gospel in (Asia).
2) 예수의 영이 (비두니아) 가는 것을 막으셨다(7)
2)Spirit of Jesus stopped them from entering Bithynia.
3) 무시아를 지나 (드로아) 내려갔다(8)
3)They passed by Mysia and went down to Troas.
3. (마게도냐 환상) 통해 마게도냐로 가게 하시는 하나님(9,10)
3.God made them go to Macedonia through a (vision of Macedonia).
1) 마게도냐 환상이 바울에게 보였다(9)
1)Paul had seen the vision of Macedonia.
2) 바울은 하나님의 계획을 (인정)하고 (순종) 마게도냐로 떠나기를 힘썼다(10)
2)Paul (admitted) and (obeyed) to God’s plan and left to Macedonia. 
4. (하나님의 계획) 있을  우리의 간구를 거절하신다.
4.When (God has a plan) He rejects our request. 
1) 하나님의 거절의 3번째 이유: (인정과 순종하라는 신호)
1)The third reason to God’s rejection : (Sign to admit and obey)
2) 어떻게 하나님의 계획으로 나아갈  있는가?
2)How should we move on to God’s plan?


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1-3 Paling St, Thornleigh NSW 2120


담임목사 : 강승찬

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