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2021.08.27 10:08

운명을 바꾼 만남 An encounter that changed fate

조회 수 78 추천 수 0 댓글 0
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설교일 2021-08-15
본문 사도행전 (Acts) 3:1-10 (사도행전 강해 6)
설교자 강승찬 목사  



1. 내가 (필요한 ) 하나님이 (주고 싶어하는 ) 다를  있다. (3,6)

1. What I (need) and what God (wants to give) to me may be different. (Verse 3, 6)

1.1 (정기적)으로 (기도)  하나님이 (원하시는 ) 알게 된다.(1-5)

1.1 When you (pray regularly), you can know what God (wants). (Verse 1-5)


2. (예수님) 만날  인생에 (기적) 일어난다. (6-8)

2. (Miracles) happen in life when you meet (Jesus). (Verse 6-8)


3. 운명이 바뀌면 (축제의 ) 시작된다. (8-10)

3. When fate changes, the life of a festival begins. (Verse 8-10)

3.1 성령이 임할  (과거의 상처) 사라진다. (8-9)

3.1 When the Holy Spirit is present in our lives, the (scars of my past) disappears. (Verse 8-9)

3.2 내가 (변화)되면 (전도) 자연스럽게 된다.(10,4:4) 

3.2 When I (change), (evangelism) happens naturally. (Verse 10, 4:4)





+61 0411 449 775


1-3 Paling St, Thornleigh NSW 2120


담임목사 : 강승찬

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